
Unit 2 Performance Task (Ancient China)

Travel to the past

Image result for yellow riverThe two most important geographical features of Ancient China the Shang dynasty were the two major rivers that flowed through central China: the Yellow River to the north and the Yangtze River to the south. These major rivers were a great source of fresh water, food, fertile soil, and transportation.


Image result for shang dynasty marbleTrade routes are found mainly around the Shang Dynasty capitals and around the major rivers, the Yellow River and the Yangtze (or Chang Jiang) River. The merchants or traders rarely traded internationally Shang traders tends to avoid foreigners. They would trade with places like Fujian, Taiwan, Korea, and other nearby regions. Traders traded items made by artisans and sculptors. Skilled Chinese artisans carved jade and marble, made porcelain tableware, wove silk, painted on silk with ink, and made many items from bronze. The Bronze Age took place during the Shang Dynasty. As a result, bronze was a large part of a trade. Bronze was used to make chariots, vessels, weapons, and even instruments. Bronze was very important to the Shang people, the use of bronze chariots and weapons allowed the Shang to overthrow the Xia Dynasty.

Image result for shang dynasty clothingThe Shang Dynasty was a monarchy in which the king was both lawmaker and judge so no-one dared to argue with him. He ruled by force, and anyone who transgressed the king’s laws would be killed immediately by his soldiers. The Chinese emperor wears a bright yellow dragon robe stitched with gold and colored thread and embroidered with dragon patterns and 12 ornaments. The emperor would also wear a fur coat, a crown on the head and court beads on the chest. The whole garment in bright colors symbolizes auspiciousness and the prosperous nation. Only the emperor gets to wear the color yellow because yellow represented the emperor’s color in Imperial China and is held as the symbolic color of the five legendary emperors of ancient China. Yellow often decorates royal palaces, altars and temples, and the color was used in the robes and attire of the emperors.

Related imageAfter the emperor comes the noble, noble in ancient China was very privileged. Nobles were typically the extended family of the emperor and empress and those people that excelled in their fields, particularly in the military. It can be the advisors. The status of nobles, however, changes frequently depending on who gained or losses the favor of the emperor.

PictureArtisans and craftsmen were the middle class of Shang society. Their largest contribution was their work with bronze. Their work with bronze was a very important aspect of society. Bronze weapons and pottery were commonly made, but the most important creations included ritual vessels and treasures. Artisans were a talented group of potters, stone makers, and workers crafting items of bronze and jade

Related imageAfter the craftsmen and artisan comes the farmers. Or also known as the peasants. They were limited to farming and selling their crops for profit. Their land was either under control of the king, nobles or their local aristocrats.. Farmers could only keep enough food to feed themselves and their families. Even after the Shang Dynasty began to make bronze and iron many farmers still used simple tools made of wood and stone. Besides growing crops, farmers learned to raise cattle, pigs, and chickens.


Discover- I find out what my task is and I asked questions about the stuff that I don’t understand and stuff I need help with.

Define- I decide what my topic is and how am I going to starting my plan.

Design- Gather all the information I need, and sort out the information on my webpage.

Develop- I ask my friend from another school to help me improve on my webpage and used the feedback to improve.

Deliver- This is my final piece.








Importance On How To Spot Fake News

Image result for Fake news

If you don’t know how to spot fake news then, there may be, an possibilities that you may be scam, lie to, or even worse arguments between different groups within a nation but also affect international relations. Fake news can also cause people to lose their job or even worse be bankrupt. “A recent story about a jewelry shop in the U.S published by Buzz feed, claiming that the shop replaced real diamonds for fake ones, led to a fall in the brand’s stock by 3.7% and caused irreparable reputation damage and loss of business.” Fake scandals often seem more believable than the truth and have led to racism, harassment, intimidation and damage of reputation. In recent years, researchers are increasingly discussing the spread of “fake” news, as they affect not only the policy, but also the economies of countries. Expectedly, the most popular topic for rumors was politics. It also turned out that people themselves contribute to the spreading of false information. There are lots of consequences if don’t know how to spot news. Continue reading to find out ways to spot fake news.

Image result for Fake news

Before, I tell how to spot fake news, I’m going to explain what is fake news first. Fake news are mostly misleading/bias information that is created by social media users, fake news contains  propaganda being use to misled people in current events, cultural trends, political goal, financial pressures, etc.. There are also people that created fake news to make money, they first choose a topic that appeals to a specific group of people, and then start their attempt.

Bias -“prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.”

Propaganda – “information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view.”


Ways To Escape Fake News:

Image result for Fake news

First you have to ask “why was this made?” and look for persuasive images or language being use in the text or presentation. If the publisher are trying to persuasive you to think in a certain way or buy something, the they are trying to make profit out you.


You should also ask “Does the facts hold up?” Look for information that you can verify such as name, numbers, places, documents. If it can’t be verify by other sources then it can’t be trust.


Image result for Fake news

Look out for the publisher, and think “who made this and can I trust them.” Trace who has touched the story, authors, funders, aggregators, or social media users. If it’s made by social media users then it shouldn’t be trust because their are always haters out there trying to cause drama.


Sources- https://www.researchgate.net/post/what_is_the_impact_of_FAKE_NEWS_on_society


E.S.C.AP.E sheet

Discover: First identified the issue-In this case the issue is the consequences of fake news.  I did some research in class and at home. The teacher slide show helped me a lot with gathering information about bias.

Define: Second, I organized the information in to different sections. First the, introduction addressing the issue, second explain what certain words mean, lastly ways to solve the issue.

Design: Finding the solution for the issue. I used the E.S.C.A.P.E sheet to help me find the solution and added my own thinking in the explanation.

Develop: I added real world events to support my claim, on how important it is to spot fake news, and looked at the PT checklist to see if I’m missing anything.

Deliver: Got feedback from my peers and teacher – added a few more solutions on how to spot fake news. Then submit work online.


One Page website


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Image result for masterchefMasterChef is an American competitive cooking reality TV show based on the original British series of the same name, open to amateur and home chefs. The judges select the winner of MasterChef, who wins $250,000, their own cookbook from season 1, 3-8, a MasterChef Trophy and the title of Masterchef, from season 7-8 the winning home cook get to be a celebrity guest on the Masterchef Cruise, and a MasterChef trophy.

The categories that i chose is Cooking, competition, and judges.

Cooking: Cooks are all given a box with the same ingredients and must use only those ingredients to create a dish within a fixed amount of time. The judges will select 3 dishes based on visual appearance and technique alone to taste, and from these 3 select one winner who will gain an advantage in the elimination test.

Competition: The losing team members wore black aprons and compete against each other to make a standard dish within a very limited amount of time that requires a great degree of cooking finesse. Not all of the losing team members may have to participate, upon receiving exemption from either the judges, the team captain, or the winning team. The team challenge winners and those exempt watch the test from the balcony. Each dish is judged on taste, visual appeal and technique, and the losing chef is eliminated.

Judges: The judges take the mystery box winner to the pantry, privately explain the theme of the elimination test, and tell of at least one advantage. The most typical one is selecting the specific ingredient to use or dish to recreate, but can also include automatic advancement to the next round, assigning certain ingredients to specific chefs, saving competitors, or being allowed to assign pairs in “tag-team challenges”. The rest of the chefs are then informed and given 5 minutes to collect any ingredients from the pantry (excluding the tag-team challenge) they need and a fixed amount of time to complete the dish. Judges evaluate all dishes based on taste and visual appeal. The cooks with the top 2 dishes become captains in the following team challenge. The judges nominate the worst 2 to four dishes for elimination and criticize them before telling at least one of the home cooks to place their apron on their station and “leave the MasterChef kitchen”, eliminating them.

HTML (the Hypertext Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are two of the core technologies for building Web pages. HTML provides the structure of the page, CSS the (visual and aural) layout, for a variety of devices. CSS uses the style attribute of an HTML element. An internal CSS is used to define a style for a single HTML page. An external style sheet is used to define the style for many HTML pages. With an external style sheet, you can change the look of an entire web site, by changing one file!








9.2 Pendulums


A Pendulums has a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward, especially a rod with a weight at the end that regulates the mechanism of a clock.

A period of a pendulum is the time it takes the pendulum to make one full back-and-forth swing.

In order to calculate period you divided Change in time divided by number of cycles.

When the Pendulum is longer it doesn’t affect the number of period.

When we put more mass on the end of the pendulum, the number of periods is the same compared to a normal pendulum.

When the swing of the pendulum is bigger the number of period is the same compared to a normal pendulum.

If we want to make an accurate pendulum clock, the mass, size of the swing, and the length doesn’t have to be precisly accurate.

If a pendulum has a period of 3 seconds, and it swings back and forth 20 times, .15 sec has pass.

Something every clock have in common is that they vibrates.


Blog Post 8.8: Designing a Faster an More Efficient High Speed Rail Line

Energy Equation

The basic equation to find the energy of something is speed square to the second power multiple mass.

If a train goes faster it means that it uses more energy.

Same thing happens when the train has more mass it will also use more energy to accelerate.

If a train make more stops, it will have to use more energy because every time the train stops the energy is gone.


The is the only high speed rail line in the United State. The Acela HSR line runs between Boston and Washington DC. There are 15 stops including NYC caring about 300 passenger.  The train only reach 90 miles per hour and weighs 600,000 kg. Each person uses 38,400,000 of energy including the number of stops.

Your Design

My HSR design will go 90 meters per sec, and will weigh 500,000 since it is double leveled. Carrying 1200 people, making 5 stops. each person will use about 16,875,000 energy including the number of stops.

Your Pitch

My design compared to the Acela design will use 1.37 less energy compared to the Acela, at the same time my design also travels 1.28 times meters more per second.

Blog Post (8.6):Energy Efficient Debate

I debated that electric skateboards are the energy efficient vehicles of the future, and the other side was debating Teslas are the energy efficient vehicles of the future. I used the energy equation to support my claim that electric skateboards is better. The energy used for skateboard per person is only 1000 while the Tesla uses 309,375 energy. The Tesla uses 309 times more than electric skate broad. The opponent side argue that the Tesla can carrying more people and travels faster. Overall both sides agrees that Electric Skate broad is more energy efficient because it’s less expensive, uses less energy.



Image result for bullyingTreat Everyone with Respect

Nobody should be mean to others.

  • Stop and think before you say or do something that could hurt someone.
  • If you feel like being mean to someone, find something else to do. Play a game, watch TV, or talk to a friend.
  • Talk to an adult you trust. They can help you find ways to be nicer to others.
  • Keep in mind that everyone is different. Not better or worse. Just different.
  • If you think you have bullied someone in the past, apologize. Everyone feels better.

Image result for bullying

What to Do If You’re Bullied

There are things you can do if you are being bullied:

  • Look at the kid bullying you and tell him or her to stop in a calm, clear voice. You can also try to laugh it off. This works best if joking is easy for you. It could catch the kid bullying you off guard.
  • If speaking up seems too hard or not safe, walk away and stay away. Don’t fight back. Find an adult to stop the bullying on the spot.
  • Talk to an adult you trust. Don’t keep your feelings inside. Telling someone can help you feel less alone. They can help you make a plan to stop the bullying.
  • Stay away from places where bullying happens.
  • Stay near adults and other kids. Most bullying happens when adults aren’t around.

Standing up for others



Best Penzu Assignment


This photo was taken in Battery Park in Tribe-ca, last Wednesday. Everyone in the photo was my classmate from middle school. This photo was also taken near my middle school since we decided to visit. Actually, this photo was taken after we visited, we just wander around the school and ended up in the park. After that, we decide to go to the deli and got some food and went back to the park.

Social Justice

Image result for transgender military serviceWhat is your topic and why did you choose it?

My topic is about transgender rights. I chose this issue because transgender people face extreme discrimination and violence in the world. Transgender people face extraordinary levels of physical and sexual violence, whether on the streets, at school or work, at home, or at the hands of government officials (military) Trans people can also face discrimination in the jobs programs meant to connect them with job opportunities


Image result for transgender militaryGive examples of where this injustice is happening? And why should society change it?

Some examples of the injustice happening right now is how, for decades, transgender people were prohibited from serving openly in the U.S. military based on outdated and discriminatory medical standards. Transgender people are also being excluded to access to emergency housing or other public services because they don’t have an identification. Also the lack of legal protection which results into unemployment for transgender people. Society should change it because it’s not their fault that are born trans, and since America was born from the idea of diversity, why can’t people learn to accept them?


Image result for transgender rightsWhat would happen if society should change it? And how are you the artist should show it?

If the society  learns to accepts transgender as who they are, and not what they look like. I think there would be less homeless people on the streets, because they would have a better access to want they need. Such as medical needs, access to food, water, and shelter. At the same time there would be more opportunities for Transgender to find a job and support them stuff, but they need a identification first.

Elements of Design

Image result for different types of linesHow would you describe the lines in any artwork?

There are many types of lines: thick, thin, horizontal, vertical, zigzag, diagonal, curly, curved, spiral, etc. and are often very expressive. Lines are basic tools for artists, even though some artists show their lines more than others


Do the shapes represent something specific?

Squares, rectangles, circles, triangles and crosses are geometric shapes. Organic shapes are those that often represent things found in nature. These shapes are more free-flowing and less symmetrical. Organic shapes often represent things such as leaves, rocks, clouds and even elements such as an ink blot.

Image result for texture drawingWhat emotion does the texture give you?

Texture adds an  emotional trigger in addition to shape and color through touch and look. Textures allows the artist to arouse feelings of attraction or rejection, and you can create a strong emotional effect.

What color is used the most in any artwork? The least? Why?

While impressionist are generally known for their use of bright color and light, they have use shadow. In this painting, the artist uses deep shadows to contrast the background with the foreground. The colors are softly blended into each other, however, so the contrast is subtle.


Image result for positive and negative space in artwork.Describe positive and negative space in artwork.

Positive space refers to the main focus of a picture, while negative space refers to the background.

Video Game Physics 6.13: Acceleration vs Force and Mass


The goals of 6.11 was to help us figure out how force affects acceleration.

The goals of 6.12 was to help us figure out the relationship between acceleration and mass.


When I applied 1 unit force to the cart the acceleration was 10 centimeters per second per second.

When I applied 2 unit force to the cart the acceleration was 17.5 centimeters per second per second.

When I applied 3 unit force to the cart the acceleration was 25 centimeters per second per second.


The more force you put on a object the faster the acceleration is going to be.


when the mass of the cart was 500g, the acceleration was 10 centimeters per second per second.

when the mass of the cart was 1000g, the acceleration was 7.5 centimeters per second per second.

when the mass of the cart was 1500g, the acceleration was 5 centimeters per second per second.


The bigger the mass the slower the acceleration is going to be.


Force is one part of the equation for acceleration. From my lab, I discovered that force multiplies acceleration.

Mass is one part of the equation for acceleration. From my lab, I discovered that mass divides from acceleration.

Therefore, acceleration = force / mass


If force = 1, and mass =1, acceleration equals to 1

If force = 2, and mass =1, acceleration equals to 2

If force = 1, and mass =2, acceleration equals to 1/2

Yes, my equation works.




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