Map Of Maker

Collaboration & Communication

Describe how you collaborated with and supported others to complete the map of maker. Give a specific example: In our group we assign roles. One person in charge of drawing with another person’s help when needed. One person guide the person drawing the map. The last person help with everything and for the places for out lunch everyone added their own ideas.

Core values reflections: One core value that I used when making the map is develop. We first made an draft on the white broad then we transfer the map to the chart with the revision on it. The second core value that I used was discover. We first ask the 10th graders questions and we used our tools (planner) to help us make the map.

Design Thinking Reflection

Discover- We ask 10th grader question we have around the school and we used out planner

Define- Used the map in our planner as an mentor

Design-We had a first draft on the white broad

Develop- We Transfer our draft to a chart with revision

Deliver-Our chart is our final piece


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