Microphone 3.3: Mechanical Telephone


The Project

My goal was to make a working telephone out of 2 cups and a 3 meter string. The telephone that I made didn’t require any electricity. Even though it didn’t require any electricity the sound that was produce was pretty loud and clear when my partner whispered into one end of the telephone.


When I held the cup in front of my face and spoke I felt the cup vibrate.


Base on my data sound produce vibration.


My telephone exploits the fact that I can convert sound to vibration and vibration to sound.

Our vocal cords vibrates in order to produce sound.

The louder we spoke into the cup the faster the cup’s diaphragm will vibrated and the string. The lower we spoke into the cup the slower the cup’s diaphragm will vibrated and the string.

The second cup produce sound for the listener be cause the cup is vibrating.

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