Microphone 3.6: Dynamic Microphone


The Project

The goal of the project was to make an working microphone out of a straw, wires, cup, some plastic wrapper, and magnets. The three materials/components of my microphone is magnets, wires, and the plastic diaphragm made out of plastic wrapper. After the microphone was completed we connected the microphone to a jack that was connected to a laptop. In order for my microphone to pick my my voice, I had to be really close to the microphone.

The Physics

Sound vibrates objects.

When the coil of wire is moving relative to the permanent magnet it creates electricity.

How It Works

My microphone convents sound in to electrical energy.

Before the microphone is fully built it was a generator.

When I speak into the microphone the diaphragm vibrates.

The coil of wire is attached to a straw and the straw is attached to the diaphragm,then the magnet is placed inside the straw.

When I push down the diaphragm the coil of wire get closer to the magnet.

When I tap the diaphragm with my fingers the coil of wire moves back and forth from the magnet creating electricity.

When I speak into the microphone the coil of wire creates electricity when vibrating.

Making It Better

One design I would change making my microphone more sensitive to sound is adding more magnets.




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