Video Game Physics 6.6: End Position vs Position and velocity

The Lab

The main goal of Unit 6 is to create a simple 2D video game. The goal of Lab 6.5 was to simulate real world physics in our video game, so we saw how objects move when there aren’t any forces affecting the object. We record video of the experiment to get the POSITION and TIME.


The equation to figure of velocity is change in position divided by change in time. The three velocities that I calculated was from 30cm to 40cm(15.3 is the velocities), 40cm to 50cm(20.6 is the velocities), and 50cm to 60cm the velocity was 28.57. The average velocity of the cart was 12.435


When there are no forces acting on an object, the velocity doesn’t change.


After passing the 60cm marks by 0.5 seconds the end position should be around 63cm. The position that I estimated is pretty accurate using the equation.


To find the change in any situation you have to subtract the end position by the start position, and to find the end position you have to add the start position with the change.

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