X-acto Knife

1. What are x-acto knives used for?

X-Acto is a brand name for a variety of cutting tools. The cutting tools include hobby and utility knives, saws, carving tools and many small-scale precision knives used for crafts and other crafts.

2. How do you hold an x-acto knife?

Grip the handle of the X-ACTO knife with all four fingers, and place your thumb on the collar when carving material by hand. Always point the blade’s cutting edge away from your body, and push the blade away from you at a 45 degree angle.

3. What other supplies do I need to have available when using an x-acto knife?

I would need a ruler, cutting board and a pencil to trace/outline the surrounding of the pictogram.

4. What safety measures will you use to keep from cutting yourself?

Always keep your hands and body behind the chisel. Blade & knife kept in storage while not in use.

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