Penzu Digital Journal

img-2618.jpgContrast refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) in a piece so as to create visual interest, excitement and drama. For this week you will be creating a layout that has only 2 colors. Using complementary associations. Make sure the picture is vivid and use your creative minds to make the picture engaging.



IMG-3818.jpgThis is the time to have some fun and take as many black and white photos of your family and friends gatherings. You only need to submit one journal entry that can have up to five black and white photos of your family and friends.



Texture is the perceived surface quality of a work of art. It is an element of two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs and is distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties. Use of texture, along with other elements of design, can convey a variety of messages and emotions.





Texture is the perceived surface quality of a work of art. It is an element of two-dimensional and three-dimensional designs and is distinguished by its perceived visual and physical properties. Use of texture, along with other elements of design, can convey a variety of messages and emotions.



Animals are a great way to emphasize emotional attachments. Whether through facial expression or movements. This week your task is to take a picture of an animal you come across whether it’s in your home or on the street, or at the zoo. Make sure that the image is clear take several pictures of the animal(s), make sure there is sufficient natural light and that it shows emphasis as the main principle of design.



IMG-4748.jpgCandid means (of a photograph of a person) taken informally, especially without the subject’s knowledge. This week your task is to take a candid photo. Please keep in mind the principles of design and lighting. You must be outside when taking this photo. DO NOT let the person or persons know you are taking a picture it defeats the purpose of a candid photo



Objective is to find text that is inspiring and take a good photo. Please make sure only the text is in the picture, you take it outside (not in your house), and there is good lighting around.








Balance is arranging the elements in a piece so that there is an equality from one side to the other. An asymmetrical image has a perfect balance. Balance can also be achieved by symmetry or radial arrangement.






shape: the external form, contours, or outline of someone or something A shape is an area enclosed by a line. It could be just an outline or it could be shaded in. It could be geometric or irregular. Shapes created in the space between shapes are referred to as negative space. Instructions: All images must be taken by you and should be in black and white





Objective this week is to find objects that have different sizes, group them together and take a picture of it. These objects should be interesting and unique. You are composing the picture so there should be more precision. You will not find this out in the streets as easy but if you do take the snap in many angles.







Having a journal is pretty had for me because its always been a problem for me to keep a diary or some type of journal. so its was really hard for to journal every week. Sometimes i would forget and it would be turned in late or sometimes i wouldn’t have the photo because i would forget to take pictures because i usually stay home.

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