9.2 Pendulums

  A Pendulums has a weight hung from a fixed point so that it can swing freely backward and forward, especially a rod with a weight at the end that regulates the mechanism of a clock. A period of a pendulum is the time it takes the pendulum to make one full back-and-forth swing. In …

Blog Post 8.8: Designing a Faster an More Efficient High Speed Rail Line

Energy Equation The basic equation to find the energy of something is speed square to the second power multiple mass. If a train goes faster it means that it uses more energy. Same thing happens when the train has more mass it will also use more energy to accelerate. If a train make more stops, …

Blog Post (8.6):Energy Efficient Debate

I debated that electric skateboards are the energy efficient vehicles of the future, and the other side was debating Teslas are the energy efficient vehicles of the future. I used the energy equation to support my claim that electric skateboards is better. The energy used for skateboard per person is only 1000 while the Tesla …

Video Game Physics 6.13: Acceleration vs Force and Mass

GoalsĀ  The goals of 6.11 was to help us figure out how force affects acceleration. The goals of 6.12 was to help us figure out the relationship between acceleration and mass. LAB 6.11 DATA: ACCELERATION VS FORCE When I applied 1 unit force to the cart the acceleration was 10 centimeters per second per second. …

Video Game Physics 6.9: Acceleration

The lab The goal of the experiment was to find out how velocity changes when there is a simple. force acting on an object. Acceleration means the rate of change of velocity within a certain time period. In the lab we calculated the portion the cart is in first, then we calculated the velocity by …

Video Game Physics 6.6: End Position vs Position and velocity

The Lab The main goal of Unit 6 is to create a simple 2D video game. The goal of Lab 6.5 was to simulate real world physics in our video game, so we saw how objects move when there aren’t any forces affecting the object. We record video of the experiment to get the POSITION …

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