Peer Critique Blog Post

  The design matches all the rules, it has straight lines no curves, the design is balance, the length/width is the same for every single one of them. This person also used a ruler to make straight lines. He/she also number each boxes and they are using the graph boxes appropriately. I can tell this …


What is typography? Typography, a typeface refers to a group of characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation, that share a common design or style. How can typography become art? Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed/ representing.  The arrangement of type involves selecting …

Headphones 1.15 Prototype #1

The Project The goal of my project was to make a functional pair of headphones. The headphones were made of paper cardboard and spare wire both 22gage and 34 gage The physics of sound Sound is caused when an object vibrates at varying speeds to produce different sounds The speed of the vibrations determines the …

Headphones 1.8: What are headphones, actually?

Requirements of a sound machine: If you wanted to make a machine that can produce to make every possible sound, it would need to be able to able to vibrate at any speed.  In order to be able to make all sound that human can hear, the machine would need to… at a frequency of …

How To Create A Webpage

By: YanPing Liu  What I learned today   What is HTML? Html stands for  hypertext markup language. It is a scripting language used to build a webpage. (You save HTML documents as .html)  What are tags? A tag is a command that has a greater sign and a less sign it always looks like this  (Ex:<body>) What are …

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