Color Theory Mini Website


Image result for color wheelWhat do you know about color theory?

The combination of primary colors, secondary colors, tertiary colors, analogous colors, complementary colors, and color wheel, and we need to make a webpage with the color and images. Then we link all the pages together.

What do you need to know about the webpage creation?

You would need to know the basic format of HTML, different types of attributes, hexadecimal codes, tags, last but not the least you would need to know how to link all the pages together.

What resources are you using to get the information that you need to create a mini website?

We will need the teacher’s help, google images, color picker tool, different attributes, notebook (with the notes you took in class), classmates/peers, and draw out the coding before the actual coding.


Related imageWhat is the problem?

You need to create a website with all the images with the correct color and you have to link all the pages together after you are done with the individual pages.

What are the requirements?

Shouldn’t be less than 7 pages, the images should be in the correct place/section. After you finish with the 7 pages and they are all link, create a word press blog to explain your experience and hardships that you went through.

What are the constraints?

You can’t use different codes, only use codes that are learned from class and colors have to match the page’s theme. Example if the page is about primary colors then the image should only should the primary colors.

What codes, design, and information are you using to create a solution? 

Use can your notebook (notes from class) or ask the teacher for help in class. If you are at home, text your friends or use google. Google solves everything.



Something that is good about this design is it’s easy to code and the structure is really simple. Most likely for a beginner like me.

Something bad about the design is how it may not attract the viewers.






Something with the first design. Really easy to code and the structure is really simple. Most likely for a beginner like me.

Something bad about the design is it may not be appealing to the viewers and only a few designs






Something that is good about the design how it is really well organized and can fit multiple image

Something bad about the design is how it may be hard for beginners to code and is a bit confusing.






Something that is good about the design is how it’s easy to code like the first and second design. Mostly used by beginners

Something bad about the design is how it wouldn’t attract the viewers since the design is really plain.



I believe Complementary is the most successful one because it’s the most organized one and the structure can fit multiple images and description. Even though it may be hard to code, an bit confusing.


List the materials and supplies you will need for your designs.

We need a Laptop to code with, images to represent the colors, color picker tools, text wrangler, notebook, classmates then teacher when you really can’t find the answer to your question.

Write any problems you have and any changes you made to your designs.

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For me personally I had a lot of problems with the close tags because I would always forget to put the close tags and that just messes up my webpage. So that’s why i should always recheck my coding after.



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I feel proud of my outcome.








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