Computer Infographic Commercial


Image result for computer infographic

What do you know about computers and computing?

I learned that computer science is a solving problem in a way that computer can help us solve it. Such as, communicate, storage issue, education. Computer science is also computing devices and programming them.



What do you need to know about computers and your buyer?

  • Is it the latest model?
  • How much does it cost?
  • Why should i buy this?
  • What’s something different about this model?
  • Is it waterproof?

What resources are you using to get the information that you need?

I can use google to help me solve the issue that i am having, and find any information that i am missing or to gain some more knowledge. I can also use my notebook that has all the information/notes that i took from class.


Image result for computer infographicWhat is the problem?

You have to create an infographic commercial.

What are the requirements?

  • A title with your name.
  • List your computer buyer’s profile component requirements
  • You should compare both computers creatively
  • Create a clear visual as which computer is the right fit for the customer
  • The computer that you choose as the right fit should be indicated clearly.
  • All features and parts of the computer has to be presented.

What are the constraints?

Make at least 2 options and then persuade the viewer to buy the one computer to fit their needs, and you will have to create a storyboard (sketch) of commercial before you begin.

The final product will be a Pow-toons video with a script.

Who is your buyer and what are his/her needs?

A small laptop, since space is limited. More than 500 gb for for storage room, and 16gb for RAM.  The price range is in between $650- $1450.



Something good about this design

  • How there’s a lot of panels
  • I gave lots of pros about each laptop

Something bad about the design

  • Not enough slides to fit all the information
  • More slides needed


Something good about this design

  • is how the setting i chose is really unique.

Something bad about the design

  • Really little information about the laptops.

Based on the information you have provided above, Which design is most likely to be successful? What factor was the most important in helping you decide?

I think the first design is going to be more successful because i gave a lot of reasons for each laptop and also because there’s also panels that i can change or add to make my pow-toon better. The second design space is limited to improve on. 



List the materials and supplies you will need for your designs

I will need pow-toon, my notebook(notes), a laptop, my draft in order to complete the project. Others resources in google classroom such as Computer Buyers Profiles,  Computer Blog Post Rubric Standards, and Human body Computer Worksheet, I would also like some mentors or examples from past students.

Write any problems you have and any changes you made to your designs and why.

Navigating in pow-toon, since i’m unfamiliar to the website(never used the used it), and making the video from scratch. 


Computer Infographic commercial 

Does your designs meet the requirements? Compare your design to the requirements you listed in discover stage. Does it meet all of the requirements? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

Yes, my design met all the requirements. I gave precise information about each laptop, and i used the Computer Blog Post Rubric Standards to guide me through out the process of making my pow-toon video.

Does it meet constraints? Compare your design to the constraints you listed in define stage. Does it meet all of the constraints? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

Yes, my design does meet all the constraints. My design has title with my name. I lists computer buyer’s profile component requirements. I should compare both computers creatively. I also create a clear visual as which computer is the right fit for the customer. The computer that i choose is the right fit for the buyer and is indicated clearly. All features and parts of the computer has to be presented

What changes could you have made to improve your design?

I think i can add more actions and write less, because i have a lot of writing instead of pictures.


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