
Foundation is a CTE class where you design and learn the basic of coding. Each class is 57 minutes long, we are required to take this class because by the end of the year we will each individual receive our own certificate. This certificate can help us with our college application. Some kind of work that we do in foundation is Penzu assignments that we have every week and right now we are working on the color theory mini website.

Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 8.28.22 PMFor the first unit, I learned about html and why is it important to us. I also learned the basic html format to coding, then we used the basic format to create a color theory mini website. The whole project was really confusing and hard for me because its my first time using html and if i miss one letter or code the the whole web page is messed up  which means whole page itself wouldn’t work. For me remembering the basic html format is already hard enough, I can’t even imagine how those people make games or professional website.

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The second unit is Typography, typography, is a typeface refers to a group of characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation, that share a common design or style. The first typography was black letter. In this unit we are required to create our own typeface. The rules are you must use an ruler when making the typeface, all the letters should be the same width and height, if one letter has an triangle then all letters should have an triangle

Image result for computer scienceIn this unit i learned about, Computer science is a solving problem in such a way that a computer can help us solve it. Some issues can be communication, designing images, share, store, retrieve or manipulate information. Computer science is designing computing devices and programming them. The first computer was made 1943 and the first computer program happened in 1843. There are four types of computer, super computers, mainframes, mini-computers, and personal computers. In school we are using personal computers, which is less powerful than the other computers. After learning about the basic we learned about the basic two parts that make up a computer hardware and software.

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In this unit we learn about 6 different kinds of principles of design. The principles of design help us planned out our websites and artwork that we did. While making the websites we ask ourselves does this layout fits inside the principles of design? Does the arrangement of our design or presentation of elements implies importance? I also ask myself if my design allows elements to create a visual connection with each other. Overall our design were highly impacted by the principles of design we have learned about.


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In this unit, we made magazine collages based social justice topics which includes element of design. The eight elements of design that we have learned so far are, line, color, shapes/form, space, texture, size and scale, value, and typography. The four principles of social justice are access, equality, rights, and participation. The main elements i focus on is size/scale, space, shapes, and form. The magazine collage is really big so i had to play on with the sizing of my design and other elements to add interest and emphasis. At the same time i am also working on the spacing and the shape my design is in. So that my design would look to simple and boring.

img-5588.jpg  In this unit, we research about social justice topics, then we focus on one topic and created an collage out of magazines papers. My topic was about transgender rights. After i finish the collage, i have to think of a short sentence to go along with my design. The main elements i focus on is size/scale, space, shapes, and form. The magazine collage is really big so i had to play on with the sizing of my design and other elements to add interest and emphasis. At the same time i am also working on the spacing and the shape my design is in. So that my design won’t look too simple and boring. The eight elements of design that we have learned so far are, line, color, shapes/form, space, texture, size and scale, value, and typography.

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