X-acto Knife

1. What are x-acto knives used for?

X-Acto is a brand name for a variety of cutting tools. The cutting tools include hobby and utility knives, saws, carving tools and many small-scale precision knives used for crafts and other crafts.

2. How do you hold an x-acto knife?

Grip the handle of the X-ACTO knife with all four fingers, and place your thumb on the collar when carving material by hand. Always point the blade’s cutting edge away from your body, and push the blade away from you at a 45 degree angle.

3. What other supplies do I need to have available when using an x-acto knife?

I would need a ruler, cutting board and a pencil to trace/outline the surrounding of the pictogram.

4. What safety measures will you use to keep from cutting yourself?

Always keep your hands and body behind the chisel. Blade & knife kept in storage while not in use.

Video Game Physics 6.9: Acceleration

The lab

The goal of the experiment was to find out how velocity changes when there is a simple. force acting on an object.

Acceleration means the rate of change of velocity within a certain time period.

In the lab we calculated the portion the cart is in first, then we calculated the velocity by dividing change in postion with the change in time.

Calculating Acceleration

To find acceleration, you have divide the change in velocity of the object by the change in time, to figure out the acceleration.

The three acceleration that I got from the experiment is 24cm per second per second, 21cm per second per second, 40cm per second per second. The three acceleration were pretty similar for the first two but not for the last one. The average acceleration of the cart was 28.3.

Claim #1

When there is a simple force acting on the object the velocity of the object would increase. The acceleration wouldn’t be constant.

Making Predictions

If the race car is accelerating 30 mph per second for 5 seconds, the speed would increase by 150 mph.

The equation that I used to get 150mph is acceleration times change in time equals to velocity.

If the car was already going 100mph then the car would be going at a speed of 250mph.

To get 250mph I added start velocity by change in velocity to get final velocity.


Growth Mindset

The growth mindset that our advisory set was Risk-Taking because during our class discussion not everyone shares their ideas, and we would like to approach problems with different strategies. My favorite initiative was the zen counting because it went really smooth and we had a strategy planned out before, starting the challenge. Growth mindset is really important and can be use outside of class too, it can help with planning and lots of other stuff. I think i did pretty well in this unit and i can be graded a 3 or a 4 because i participated in all challenges and i communicated and went with the whole class. I was paying attention and gave my full support.


Hidden Truth

Image result for pictogram pregnantI will probably use something like this since my story is about a single mother that’s against her teenage daughter to have a boyfriend. The story starts off on how the two were arguing about the matter of having a boyfriend. After that the girl found herself pregnant however the boyfriend disappear. The mother was really disappointed and took her daughter to the hospital to get abortion   however the doctor suggest not to. Later they went home the daughter apologized to her mother for not listening to what she said. The mother also told her that she was pregnant at a young age too and she just wanted to protect her.




Video Game Physics 6.6: End Position vs Position and velocity

The Lab

The main goal of Unit 6 is to create a simple 2D video game. The goal of Lab 6.5 was to simulate real world physics in our video game, so we saw how objects move when there aren’t any forces affecting the object. We record video of the experiment to get the POSITION and TIME.


The equation to figure of velocity is change in position divided by change in time. The three velocities that I calculated was from 30cm to 40cm(15.3 is the velocities), 40cm to 50cm(20.6 is the velocities), and 50cm to 60cm the velocity was 28.57. The average velocity of the cart was 12.435


When there are no forces acting on an object, the velocity doesn’t change.


After passing the 60cm marks by 0.5 seconds the end position should be around 63cm. The position that I estimated is pretty accurate using the equation.


To find the change in any situation you have to subtract the end position by the start position, and to find the end position you have to add the start position with the change.

Favorite Penzu Assignment


This photo was taken in Battery Park in Tribe-ca, last Wednesday. Everyone in the photo was my classmate from middle school. This photo was also taken near my middle school since we decided to visit. Actually this photo was taken after we visited, we just wander around the school and ended up in the park.After that we decide to go to the deli and got some food and went back to the park. 

Graphic Novel Rationale

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My graphic novel targets teens between the age of 13-19 years old, because that’s normally when kids starts to have a idea what their dream job is going be and they can be easily be attracted by strangers. In my novel Molly knows she shouldn’t trust strangers. But what if the stranger is well-dressed and handsome? On his way back to meet his wife and son? And at that same night, casting a star for his show. Then what will Molly do? Molly might make the wrong decision. And she did, she got on the stranger’s car. After sometime she sensed, something was wrong. She has been kidnapped.  Molly was just at the mall with her mother, alone just for a brief moment at a coffee shop. Now being held captive. Molly’s mother, Paige quickies calls the police, just finding out that her daughter has been missing. For the next 2 days, Molly’s family and friends experience their own torments, waiting desperately for any bit of news from the police. Finally on the third day the police tracked down the car, and saved Molly from the kidnapper, Frank. When the Paige saw Molly she was all busied up, and dirty looking.

Parents should be greatly know the importance of this topic because around 100 cases per year can be classified as abductions by strangers. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, referring to U.S. Department of Justice reports, about 800,000 persons are reported missing every year above 2,000 missing persons a day.

Artist Intent

–> what principles of design is present in the artwork you discussed with your peers?
– There’s contrast in the flowers
– There’s alignment the two person is in the middle.
– The patterns and the colors are well balanced out.
– The picture is well spaced out
– The color gold that’s used really draws people’s attention (emphasis)
–>what was the artist intent when creating this piece?
I think the artist wants to hide the men because when you first look at the image you can’t tell that there’s a men there. I only saw the women at first.
–> what is your opinion of this artwork? Do you like it or not? Please explain your answer.
 I like the painting because the artist used the principal of design really well, the colors and shapes pops out. The color is well based, and the art itself gives out a strange vibe of loneliness.
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