Pictograph Movie


pictogramWhat is a pictograph and where do you see them?

Pictographs is a stylized symbols, visual symbols that gives information or more like pictures without words that can communicate. The drawing should tell a story in a simple way. The pictograph is also be universal, you can see these pictograph on the streets, in supermarkets, hospital, etc.

Which design principles will you apply to your poster layout and design?

The design principles that i will apply to my poster is balance, movement, and white space.

What resources are you using to get the information that you need?

I can use google, examples that Ms B showed us in class. The notes that i took from class, which is inside my notebook. I can also ask my classmates if i’m struggling with anything.


What is the problem?Related image

The problem is that we need to create a poster.

What are the requirements?

Create a pictogram that conveys the essential story line of our short story, from English class, in a simple, clear, fun, and easy to understand way. We also have to use two or more principles of design. The drawing show be simple but well, consider the design of the whole page.

What are the constraints?

Some constraints are using two or more principles of design. The drawing show be simple but well, consider the design of the whole page. The pictogram also has to convey a message and a meaning.

What pictographs are you using and why?

I would be using heart and women because my story is about a mother and daughter, and the daughter mistook her mother’s action in another way.






Something good about this design is how the image is spread out and the design shows spacing. Something bad about this design is how you can’t really tell what’s going on. The image shows two people having a conflict, but you can’t really see it.










Something good about the design is it shows a conflict or a part of the story, and it’s easy to now what the conflict is. Something bad the design is how it doesn’t show much movement.







Something good about the design is how the drawing is really simple and it’s easy to cut out. Something bad about the design it doesn’t show a lot of spacing or thoughts






I think the second design is going to be successful because the design is not that complicated and it delivers a message of my story. The spacing is also well planned out, compared to the others.


List the materials and supplies you will need for your designs.

I would need a X-acto knife, cutting mat, pencil, and a ruler to cut my design out. I also need the draft of my design and i need to know the constraints and requirements in order to complete my design. My notebook would also come to use, when i need to know the requirements and constraints.

Write any problems you have and any changes you made to your designs and why.

Some challenges that i would face is cutting the design, getting the curves right. Trying not to mess up because i only have one piece of construction paper and getting the layout and size right.


img-5144.jpgDoes your designs meet the requirements? Compare your design to the requirements you listed in discover stage. Does it meet all of the requirements? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

My design meets all the requirements of creating a pictogram. The requirements were to create a pictogram that conveys the essential story line of our short story, from English class, in a simple, clear, fun, and easy to understand way. We also have to use two or more principles of design. The drawing show be simple but well, consider the design of the whole page, and my design meets all the requirements listed above.

Does it meet constraints? Compare your design to the constraints you listed in define stage. Does it meet all of the constraints? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

Yes, my design meets all the constraints. The constraints were to using two or more principles of design. The drawing show be simple but well, consider the design of the whole page. The pictogram also has to convey a message and a meaning.

What changes could you have made to improve your design?

I don’t think my design needs any improvements.



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