Social Justice Collage


What do you know about the elements of design and social justice?

I know that social justice is based on the concepts of human rights and equality, and can be defined as “the way in which human rights are manifested in everyday lives of people at every level of society.” The four principles of social justice are access, equality, rights, and participation. The eight elements of design that we have learned so far are, line, color, shapes/form, space, texture, size and scale, value, and typography.

What do you need to know about creating a visually pleasing poster that has impact on the audience?

First i need to brainstorm ideas that i have about social justice. The poster that i make must have a special meaning behind it. I would also want to incorporate a one or two in the poster to make more impact on the audience.

What resources are you using to get the information that you need?

Some resources that i have are my notebooks, the internet, magazines. I can also go to the library to see if there are any books about social justice or anything related to it.

Image result for justice poster

What is the problem?

We need to create an art work of a social change that needs to happen in our society.

What are the requirements?

You must research a the topic, blog post it, and design a 12 by 18 collage poster. In the collage we must have no more than 3 colors (excluding black and white), must contain a prominent shape that represents you social change, the college must be covered from top to bottom, side to side in a magazine paper. The blog post should at least have 3 paragraphs (5-6 sentences each) and at least 3 images relating to social change.

What are the constraints?

The collage should only have 3 colors (excluding black and white). The blog post should at least have 3 paragraphs (5-6 sentences each) and at least 3 images relating to social change.


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The size and scale is just right and i have space on the top to put the words. Something bad about the design is how it really hard to find the meaning.



Screen Shot 2019-04-09 at 11.42.48 AM Something good about the design is how the pictogram is well space out and you can tell what is happening. Something bad about this design is how the design is a little too simple.


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Something good about the design is how the design has a clear meaning/message. Something bad about the design is how the size is too big that the design goes off the page.


I think the first one is going to be the most successful because the message is clear, the size and scale is just right. The design is also really simple.

materials_collage.jpgDEVELOP STAGE

List the materials and supplies you will need for your designs.

The materials that i would need is magazine, i would also need to know the requirements and the constraint in order to get a good grade.  

Write any problems you have and any changes you made to your designs and why.

Some challenges are not having enough colors for my collage in my magazine, so i have to ask others for magazines. Another challenge is how my design was really small and i needed to restart everything and make it bigger.


Does your designs meet the requirements? Compare your design to the requirements you listed in discover stage. Does it meet all of the requirements? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not? 

Yes, my design meets all the requirements. I research a the topic, blog post it, and design a 12 by 18 collage poster. In the final collage i  only have 3 colors (excluding black and white), must contain a prominent shape that represents you social change, the college is covered from top to bottom, side to side in a magazine paper. The blog post should at least have 3 paragraphs (5-6 sentences each) and at least 3 images relating to social change.

Does it meet constraints? Compare your design to the constraints you listed in define stage. Does it meet all of the constraints? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

Yes, my design meets all constraints. The constraints were that the collage should only have 3 colors (excluding black and white). The blog post should at least have 3 paragraphs (5-6 sentences each) and at least 3 images relating to social change.

What changes could you have made to improve your design?

I think i can pay more attention to the details.



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