Typography Project


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What do you know about typography, typeface, and font?

Typography, a typeface refers to a group of characters, such as letters, numbers, and punctuation, that share a common design or style.


What do you need to know about typeface design?

  • Can anyone create a Typeface?
  • How many typeface is there, all together?
  • Can we add colors?
  • Or does it have to be black and white?
  • What type of material do we need?
  • How many drafts do we need?

What resources are you using to get the information that you need?

We can use our notebooks and the videos that Ms.B posted on google classroom. We can also the mentors that’s on the wall for some inspirations. Or we can use google to help us.


Image result for typography

What is the problem?

We need to create an typeface that is original.

What are the requirements?

Only pencils should be use when working on the drafts, no shading in the draft. You must use an ruler when making the typeface, all the letters should be the same width and height, if one letter has an triangle then all letters should have an triangle. We should only work on capital letters first, if finish then continue to lower case when instructed.

What are the constraints?

Only letters A,B,C should be used in the draft and use the graph. No curves should be used, you can only use rectangles, squares, and straight lines only.

How are you using the information acquired to define your design?

I’m going to follow the rules so i don’t have to restart and waste time. Also i am going to work on the draft at home so i don’t have to waste time in class.





This design doesn’t match with the rules and the shapes doesn’t repeat, and the lines isn’t on the graph. However, the design has the same length and width for each letter, and the line is straight.




This design doesn’t work because it doesn’t show a pattern and the design looks childish. However, the design has the same length and width for each letter, and the line is straight. 




This design doesn’t work because the triangles doesn’t repeat and the lines doesn’t follow the graph. However, the design has the same length and width for each letter, and the line is straight.




This design is going to be successful because it follows the lines and the shapes repeats on each letter however the letter has to be bigger.



Materials and supplies you will need for your designs.

I will need the a sharp pencil, graph paper, a ruler or ID, and my design that I want to improve on.



IMG-3824 (1)







The letter got bigger and i changed the shape, instead of triangles it’s a rectangle, and mostly everything else stayed the same.


Does your designs meet the requirements? Compare your design to the requirements you listed in discover stage. Does it meet all of the requirements? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

The requirements, we need to create an typeface that is original. Only pencils should be use when working on the drafts, no shading in the draft. You must use an ruler when making the typeface, all the letters should be the same width and height, if one letter has an triangle then all letters should have an triangle. We should only work on capital letters first, if finish then continue to lower case when instructed. Yes, my design does meet all the requirements, my letters has straight lines, no curves, same length and width for each letter. Also every patterns repeats on the letter.

Does it meet constraints? Compare your design to the constraints you listed in define stage. Does it meet all of the constraints? If not, what didn’t it meet and why not?

The constraints, only letters A,B,C should be used in the draft and use the graph. No curves should be used, you can only use rectangles, squares, and straight lines only. And yes, my design did meet the constraints my design has balance and it goes all the way from A to Z and the patterns, and i didn’t use any curves.

What changes could you have made to improve your design?

The changes that i made are the letters got bigger and i changed the shape, instead of triangles it’s a rectangle, and mostly everything else stayed the same.

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